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    January Gardening Tips

    Happy New Year!   With the Winter solstice now behind us, we can look forward to brighter days in the garden. If you’re keen gardeners like ourselves, this is an exciting time to consider what you will grow this coming […]

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    November Gardening Tips

    Empty Bird Baths & Water Features  To prevent cracking and damage over winter, it is best to empty and store any bird baths and water features. If the water collects, freezes and expands, it is likely to crack the bird […]

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    Choosing Your Real Christmas Tree

    There really is nothing like having a real Christmas tree to give that nostalgic Christmassy feeling. Opting for a real tree takes some consideration but it really is worth the effort.  Choosing your tree can become a tradition the whole […]

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    Growing potatoes for the first time

    Potatoes are an excellent, versatile crop for beginner gardeners, and experienced growers alike. They grow from seed tubers instead of seeds, and vary in colour, size, texture and taste. Here at Smith’s, we offer the three main types of potatoes […]

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    Remember, remember, prepare in November

    Maintenance, protection and preparation are the key tasks to consider in your garden during November. There’s quite a lot to do, so take every opportunity you can to get out into the garden. Warning – you may get a bit […]

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    December is a busy time for everyone

    December is a busy time for everyone. Whether you’re organizing a family get together or creating a garden light display to rival the Eiffel Tower, there’s a lot to do and not many daylight hours to do it in! One […]

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    Wakey wakey February

    At last – even if we have a late snow episode – life will start to stir in your garden. From bulb shoots to blossoms, wildlife and longer days, there is an awakening taking place. So grab your gloves (and […]

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