Meet The Team – Chris

Posted: 9 April 2024

Author: Luke

We’ve caught up with Chris this month to find out her favourites in the garden, and hear her top tips for the Spring. Chris is one of our lovely cashiers, and we’re celebrating her being a member of our team for 3 years now! 

What is your favourite season in the garden? 

“My favourite season is Spring, as it’s always exciting to see all the bulbs emerging from the Winter and then all the tree blossoms, shrubs and the first Rhubarb crop. It’s also good to get seedlings started, with the promise of colourful bedding plants and tasty vegetables later in the year.

Most of my favourite garden plants come to life in April/May – particularly the Rhododendrons, Camellias, Peonies, Alpines and currant fruits.”

What’s in bloom in your garden at the moment? 

“Camellia, Spring bulbs  – Tete a Tete Narcissi, blankets of Muscari, Tulips, Pieris Forest Flame, and the amazing evergreen Erysimum Leya White – I bought one last Spring and it hasn’t stopped flowering since, even during the dark, cold winter months!”

What’s your favourite Alpine?

“My favourite Alpine is Aubretia. I love the bright colours and the way they trail over walls and edges. Another favourite is Armeria to add a bit of texture, height and colour. Alpines are increasing in popularity each year, as they are so tolerant of our increasingly extreme climate, providing you plant them in well-draining compost, so I will definitely be adding more this Spring.”

Do you have a favourite House Plant? 

“I love Calatheas. There are so many varieties and I love all their markings and dramatic long wavy leaves. My favourite ones are Calathea Lancifolia (Rattlesnake Plant) and Calathea Stromanthe Triostar. I am also very proud of my stunning Maranta. It’s just as well they are pet friendly as I have quite a few varieties now and two very curious cats!”

Do you have a top tip for the Spring season?

“Yes, don’t plant your seeds too early – it’s so tempting to get started in February, but seeds can grow rather leggy if the light is still poor. I always wait until March now to get started on my Tomatoes, Peppers, Bedding Plants, etc in a propagator. Once transplanted, don’t forget to cover seedlings at night (even in the greenhouse) if there is any likelihood of cool nights. Spring is also a great time to give all your garden plants and trees a boost with feed or farmyard manure. You can also repot house plants to give them a boost with fresh compost and a bigger pot when rootbound. This is also the perfect time to take cuttings.”

Are you trying out any new plants this year?

“I always try some new plants each year. I am currently growing potatoes for the first time – Casablanca (first earlies and a good all rounder). I am also growing some new tomato varieties – Red Alert and Alicante as well as Long Red Marconi Peppers and Tayberries. I can’t wait to try out my new harvest!”

Chris’ Little Helpers:

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