Meet The Team – Mick

Posted: 13 June 2024

Author: Smith's Garden Centre

We caught up with Mick this month to find out his favourite plants in the garden, and hear his top tips.

What has been in bloom in your garden recently?

‘Choisya White Dazzler’, although it has just finished flowering, it’s been amazing this year. It flowers twice a year, and offers a lovely scent. We have ours planted by our driveway as they form a really neat shape.

Not in bloom, but my favourite plant in the garden is our Japanese Forest Grass  ‘Hakonechloa All Gold’. We have it planted between formal box topiary to add a different texture.

What would you recommend for a shady border?

Black Wood Fern ‘Dryopteris atrata’ is my favourite fern for a shady border, as it’s slightly different from other ferns. It has a black stem that unfurls bright green fronds. However, this fern is deciduous, so will die back in the Autumn and reshoot in the Spring.

What would you recommend for a sunny position?

Nepeta – My favourite varieties are Kit Cat and Pursian Blue. They look a lot like Lavender but are more prolific so would work really well in a cottage style garden. Nepeta is particularly great for attracting the pollinators throughout the Summer too.

What is your bug bear in the garden?

I can never just sit and admire it, there is always something to do!

Do you have a favourite bedding season?

Summer, because there is so much texture and colour to choose from. However, Violas and Pansies do brighten up the garden pots throughout the darker months.

Is there a gardening tool you couldn’t live without?

Swoe Style Hoe – it’s great to have on the allotment as you can get into tighter spaces. It helps to remove weeds from around plants so is perfect for keeping on top of the weeding. I use the Wolf Click System for ease of changing the handle length.

Do you have a top tip?

Be careful not to overwater pots, especially during the winter, as this can cause more damage than underwatering. The symptoms can look very similar – when a plant is wilting, it can sometimes be caused by too much water rather than not enough. This is because the roots have been damaged and are no longer able to take up water to the top of the plant.

If you have any enquiries drop us a message!

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